Monday, July 29, 2024


 This is my research for the tourism ad project

Research about one of the travel video (STA Travel Move)
    This travel ad video is targeted to male people who are young adults in their mid 20s to 30s who are interested in backpacking, because from the travel video they use an actor who is a young man and he looks like he was in his mid 20s. From how the actor was presented in the video with an outfit which most likely tourist would wear which are plain shirts or with an outer such as jackets or comfortable pants that they could wear and some with many pockets indicating backpackers would normally wear those because it is helpful for them. In some of the clips of the video as well the actor uses sun glasses which it makes the video shows that it  Mostly in this video it stereotypes that backpackers are people who enjoys an adventure and things that can make them feel excited.

    Usually for audience which are male in their mid 20s to 30s would be interested in football or a place where they could enjoy, but with this type of audience they are targeting backpackers by showing multiple places that are tourist friendly and landmarks that makes the countries that they chose being famously known for. In my opinion this advert is being presented in a subvert way The music in this advert were used the same as other advert which is the speed up music that they choose which in my opinion it emphasises the feeling that is being given to the audience such as energetic and exciting which tells the video shows activity that are exciting for people who are backpacking. 

    This advert was distributed in a form of a video that shows a lot of the same clips over and over again but in different places which is published on youtube, by knowing that this is published on youtube it tells about the audience being young and still uses social media. The advert is giving a message that shows about how the travel company would be able to help the audience who are interested into going to the places that they have shown in the video, with the given location of the places in the video it improves the audiences interest into travel to that certain place. 

Research (1) about a travel ad video (visitjapan where tradition meets the future)

    From this travel ad video their target audience who would be in their 20s to late 40s, because from the video it shows multiple places where both a young adult would be interested if they are into more metropolitan areas and for the people in their late 40s would want to explore the country which they show locations that are exciting for them to visit such as the waterfall and if they are also interested in the forest where they show trekking people. From this travel video I think it subvert the normal way because they show locations of places in the video where it jumps from generation to the other than back, this makes the audience to still be interested as if they were to put only the future side of japan at first and the tradition part at the end young adult may not want to see as they are not interest in it but with the mix of scene it does subvert but in the right way that can peak audiences interest. 

    In this video they show location both in the metropolitan areas where it would be high buildings, cafes, clubs, the busy markets, factories which are making traditional Japanese woven fabric, arcades and many more. They also show the side of Japan where it is in the high mountains which they show, the high green mountain, waterfall, local people in their traditional houses, a place for them to pray and many more. How they shows these locations are not in order, which they would do cut scenes that matches perfectly to the next location which makes it very interesting how the video matches throughout all of the video. The music that they chose in this video also changes throughout the video, because I believe that they are trying to match the location with the video. When a scene of the night clubs in Japan they would use build up music which makes a feeling for the audience that we can tell it is an exciting activity, but when they are showing a person who was making tea the music softens but still in the same genre of build up speed music. But it is not always that because when it shows local Japanese people who were making a traditional food the music doesn't softens but it builds up more intense in the video which it suits the scene. 

    The peoples who are in the video varies from young teenager to being elderly, as the video title says 'when tradition meets future' they have thought about how characters that are elderly would show the tradition still being implemented in Japan and young teenager would show the side of Japan that is in the future. This advert is distributed in a form of video where they post it on social media, from this we can tell that the audience are young to adult who are able to use social media. This video gives a message to the audience that Japan may not only be about the tradition but things are changing and the future of Japan is very fast which is everywhere in the famous city in Japan. This gives audience an option whether they would want to go to places for the scenery or enjoy the places in the city.

Research (2) about a travel tourism ad video (Stop dreaming about New Zealand and go)
    From this travel video it is targeting audiences who are young adults who are in their early 20s and single, because it is shown that the person that they use in this video is a young man who seems to be in his 20s but he is mainly alone with no partner but with another person which has a role as the narrator of the whole video. The characters that were shown in the ad are different for a travel video because for people who would travel they would have items or outfit which are mostly comfortable that tells the audience that traveling to a certain place will be comfortable for them, but in this video the main person was using a pajamas and the narrator was wearing a suit. The other characters in the video were also all wearing pajamas which were most of the characters are just the main character being duplicated in the video except the 2 girls who were in the video, with the title being 'stop dreaming about New Zealand and go' this type of video plot that they are doing meets the title and I think it expects the audience expectations. For this travel video it uses a story line, some sort of drama that in my opinion it subvert the normal way because travel video would usually show active of the person in the video but in here it only shows how this one person who was wearing a pajama all day doing all the activities that are in the video. This would mean very different than other travel advertisement video.

    In this video the music that they chose are mostly just soft instrumental that build up half way through the video, they also use sound effects such as the bicycle bell, alarm clocks, the sounds of water sprayers and even the kiwi bird sound. In my opinion this gives an effect for the audience to be engage in the video as for the sound effects it makes the audience more interested. In the video they dont only show about how the person was in a dream but they also show activities that they can do such as riding a bicycle with a view of hills and crop farms, how they also show the person enjoying the speed boat activity around the lake. These activities in my opinion also helps to engage with the audience so they would be interested to visit and try it for themselves. 

    This advert is being distributed in a form of a video that is published in social media, that not only it is a short drama that explains really well with the title of the video but from this it also tells how the audience that they are targeting are young people who are still using social media int heir daily life. With the choice of this video being in a drama form it also tells how these drama would interest young audience more than older because in my opinion people who would be older than young adult like in the age of 40 would not interest them. The video gives a message that the audience should not just wait until the perfect time to go to New Zealand but they should take the chance if they have been wanting to go there as in the video they show activities for the audience that they can do which will be fun for them. In the end of the video they also added words that says they are welcoming tourist to come and visit them. 

Research (3) about a travel advertisement video (VISIT FRANCE - A Cinematic Travel Video)
    This travel advertisement video targets audience who are in their mid 20s to their late 60s, i believe that they are targeting people around this age is because from the video it mostly shows local and tourist people who are just relaxing and enjoying their time at the market which from that I would assume it would be somewhere in the age of 40s to 50s as older people would tend to travel but not for the tourist attraction because of it being very crowded, but what makes it in the mid 20s is that they show a scene where people were on a cliff and they were jumping off from it to the ocean and people fishing. I would believe that this advert conforms the normal way because there are no unexpected scene nor anything that would be out of place from the video. 

    The locations that they use in the video are different than normal advertisement, such as they don't show stereotypical tourist attraction places in France; for example eiffel tower, louvre museum and many more. In this video they show deeper side of France where mostly we are shown a lot of locals who are in their 40s to 50s who are enjoying the small town in south of France, not only that they also show places such as the market, restaurants and many more. In those location it is shown there are not too many people who are visiting there where in my opinion this shows how the location is not crowded where audience would be interest to go there if they are not a fan of crowded places. In this video mostly throughout the video they use instrumental music which has a gloomy feeling but as it progress through the video the music builds up and it gives a feeling of excitement but still the music was in the genre of vintage historical style where it fits the video as it mostly show old parts of the town which look vintage.

    This advert is distributed in a form of a video that is posted in youtube, social media. Even though it is posted on social media but with the target audiences being in the range of mid 20s to late 60s they are still using these social media to watch video which this travel advertisement comes. The theme of the video that they did match the audiences, because if it were to be for young adults it would be more engaging with build up speed and they would show tourist attraction from the country but with this it shows places that are less crowded and showing people who are in the video happy and enjoying the town peacefully. From this video it gives a message that in France it is not only the famous tourist attractions that people would usually show on social media, but there is also a side of France where people in their olde age would want to enjoy and relax on their vacation and feel like they are apart of the local people. 


Friday, 9 August 2024   

Research (4) about a travel tourism ad video (Colorado Tourism Commercial: Breathe)
     This travel advertisement video targets audience who are in their mid 20s who enjoys travel as they show couple that are traveling together, not only that they also show families which with this can say it also targets audience in their 30s to 40s with children who are in the age of 8 or children who doesn't need supervision where they can be independent. From the video they show activity that may need supervision and know how to take care of themselves, which is why i believe they are targeting children above the age of 8. Usually for audiences such as family would be shown places that are child friendly where they would believe the places would be perfect for a family vacation and it would be safe for children but as their activities may be extreme where they need to be cautious this shows it would be best for children above the age of 8. From this travel advertisement I believe they conform the normal way, as they stick to their theme which is nature because they are targeting people who likes adventuring outdoors. Most of the places they show are what audience can expect to see when they travel there, but there was a pool that was shown in the video in the middle of the forest but it still connects to the other places making it conform the normal way. 

    In this video they shows places mostly in the outdoor nature which has magnificent view of the mountains and hills that the characters are in. As they are targeting people who are interested in nature and backpacking they show places that they can do exciting activities during their travel there such as hiking,  fishing, swim in the clear lake and even canoeing Not only that, they also show places such as farms where they show the characters are horse riding. From these places, they show the view which from this it can make audience become more interested into traveling there, for the places such as farm it would be good for the audiences who are children to enjoy being close to animals and experience horse riding, The music that they use in this video sounds like instrumental music, the instrument that I can hear sounds like a banjo which fits the video theme that shows places that is in nature like western way. but throughout the video the music progresses and it becomes more intense making it more energetic by the instrument that is playing in the video become more electric which sounds like an electric guitar and drums. 

    The characters that they use in this video shows what audiences they are targeting which are families and even couples who are in their mid 20s to 30s. In the video the characters are wearing outfit where the children in the video were wearing short sleeve shirt and short pants, this outfit tells that the places will need a lot of movement so with short pants and short sleeves would be much more comfortable for them. In the video as well there are characters who would have big backpacks that they use for the video which this shows it is a great place for people who loves backpacking to come and visit. During the horse riding activity the characters in the video were wearing long pants and a hat where the place that they are showing is sunny and perfect for  This travel advertisement is in the form of a video that is being posted in youtube, this shows that the audience are still using social media that they can find information from. This can also say that with a form of video audience may want to be more interested when they are shown something in order for them to trust where they are using their money for. 

Research about camera angle of a travel tourism ad video 
In this tourism video it shows many sorts of camera angles, the camera angles that can be seen during 

<-- This camera angle is an extreme long shot where it showing the location that they are going to do, at first I thought this was an establishing shot because after this shot the video continues with scenes still in that same place in which from this screenshot it shows the audience what or where the next shot will be at. 

<-- This camera angle that they use a long shot where it is also combine with a low angle, this shows how the person in that video become very tall making it have power, but with this lightning it makes the video more spooky feeling in which I think this would relate with their target audience because from all of the scenes that were shown in this video it was giving the dark side of Bali that emphasised in the spiritual part. 

<-- This camera angle is a extreme close up, in which they are trying to emphasize of the statue that they added in the video. Which with this it emphasize the theme of what they're trying to make which is the side of Bali more into their tradition and environment. 

<-- This camera angle is a high angle long shot, this shows how the characters in the video which is a traditional dance from Bali. By showing it on a high angle this helps to make the audience to see them as it looks like it is small, but because the scene is being filled with the characters this shows how the tradition that they are trying to show consist of many people and how magical it would be seen by audience to know that the activity being shown is being done by a lot of people, making audience want to experience what is being shown. 


Pre-production Research

Different types of handheld movements

From this video I was searching about how other types of movement that I could use during the project, as for my team we don't have the equipment to make the camera become steady. This video teaches me a lot more information where I have input it in the project.

Mastercard Priceless advertisement 1997

From this advertisement it may not be what our target audience be, but we like the idea of adding the price of each and every single thing from the video that they bought such as the tickets to see the football game, the price of the hotdog and many more. This gives me an idea to put that part in our video as it would matches our idea of making the video to attract our audiences which are on a budget, so with adding the amount of money we spent this may give audience more clarity in what they might put theirselves into. 

Brief explanation of the editing software that I use for the project.

Reflection: From this activity on researching about different types of advertisement video which are different from one another they target different audiences in different way. During this whole research activity it gives me an insight on what I could do for the project and what kind of action that I will be using for the project outcome. 

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