Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekly Progress + Plan

 This is my weekly progress + plan for my tourism ad project 

WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContent
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3TeamYour team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genreW4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection PresentationW9
9 September
16 September
12FinalFinal adW9

Week 2

During this whole week we have learned about Genre and Semiotics, the topic genre we learned more into the demographic and psychographic way for audience. We also learned deeper about genre conventions which is more into what are the codes on each genre, this helps on picking out codes / details that could be use in the type of genre as a guidelines for the project. Semiotics as well we learn about how it can be use differently as it has an implicit and explicit meaning. We had to watch a video about semiotics which helps to understand the topic more, we also did research on different types of advertisement about tourism 

  • To Do? 

Finish the 4 research tourism ad

Week 3

During this week we continued with our research about tourism ad that could help us in our project, but now we are more focus on the target audience we are searching for. We also made our statement of intent which helps us plan everything for our project, more into the target audience that we are targeting which are young teenagers. The statement of intent as well help us pick through locations that we will use in our video, it also helps us as a guidance on what we can do for our project. The statement of intent also helps us in combining all of our ideas together allowing us to pick through which idea that is realistic for us to do. We also learn more in depth about different type of camera angles; such as long shot, medium long shot, high angle, and etc. 

  • To Do?
Re do everything for the research as it was not save, and continue finishing the camera angle research activity. 

Week 4

During this whole week we learned more about camera angles that focus more into different types of camera movement, we did activities to remember about different types of camera movement such as pan, tilt, and many more. By learning this it helps in giving ideas for our project. We also made our script and storyboard for our tourism ad video, this helps us layout the shots that we are going to do in the video and this guides us what we can do during the video, but we made changes throughout the weeks in order to be able to fit everything together and as well for everyone to agree on the layout of our shots. For our group we also did risk assessment and location scout, which in our group it was Eileen and Kimora who was in charge in writing into the document while me (Jyotisha) and Cassie also helped in giving out ideas while checking through the document. Me (Jyotisha) and Cassie was in charge in storyboard so we drew some rough ideas and the final storyboard. We learned about sound as well during class, how sound is a very important role in the video that could help to engage with audience and give meanings for them. 

  • To Do?
Finish storyboard and script in order to start recording the shots of the project. 

Week 5

During week 5 we learned about mise-en-scene and edit, where we were given new words that helps with understanding about the topic better. We also did some class activity such as making our edit timeline where we were given a scene to do, another mise-en-scene activity where we were given a piece of paper that has characters and location from a scene where we have to label the features from the characters and scene. We were also told to make our filming schedule, here is the link  We also learn about different types of edit where we were shown videos about the different editing and the effect to the video it gives. 

  • To Do?
Continue with storyboard and start filming in order to get a lot of time for editing done, also need to finish the classwork by adding more on every part which is camera, storyboard, sound, and edit. Finish with the script as well in order to put it into the blog. 

Week 6

During week 6 we learn about genre theory where we we learn more in depth with two different famous theory from Steve Neale and David Buckingham. For Steve Neale theory he said that genre helps giving a brief headline for each genre where it helps the audience to guess whats in different movies, song and etc but they also have to be different in order to be able to attract audience in wanting to know about it. For David Buckingham's theory he said that genre changes with the society. We we're also introduced firstly about CCR where it will be needed to be submitted at the end of the project. 

  • To do
Start recording the scenes for our project

Week 7

During week 7 we learn about narrative theory where theres two theory which is Barthes and Levi Strauss.
Not only we that we started on our editing, where my teacher help with giving comments about our video where we implement those ideas to make our video better. We've also made our first draft edit of our video where we had a lot of comments from my teacher and even from my classmates on what to add in the video.

  • To Do?
Add more research about the mastercard priceless ad, continue with editing, finish recording, start to finish up CCR, continue with behind the scenes and editing blog explanation. 

Self Reflection: My teacher ask us to make weekly progress which for me this is very helpful because I was able to make a to do list in which I would always go back to see what I need to do. Not only that in the weekly progress I would write what we would learn at school in which this help me to memorize and recap about what I have learned. What I would do better in a new project is to continuously put what I have learned so I wouldn't need to keep on making some weeks a week behind that made it hard for me trying to remember what we have done the previous week. 

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