Thursday, October 3, 2024

Weekly Progress + Plan

 In this blog it contains the weekly progress throughout the project and the plan 

Component 1 (Film Opening)
WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContent
30 September
Pre Production
3Weekly Progress
4Preliminary ResearchBroad genre researchW3
7 October
5Research: IndustryWho makes music videos?W3
14 October
6Research: GenreCodes and Conventions of your genreW4
21 October
7Statement of IntentYour initial proposalW5
28 October
8StoryboardShot by shot planW7
9Script / ScreenplayW7
4 November
10Screen TestActor auditionsW7
11ClassworkHow to: Camera, MeS, Sound, EditW7
11 November
Location scout & Risk Assessment
14Filming ScheduleFilm over the break?W7

Week 1

During this whole week we were introduce to a new topic and a brief of what project that we are going to do for this years project. We learn about many different film companies at different stages such as production company, distribution company and exhibition company. We had an activity on looking through one of the company but more into the media funding, we had an activity to watch one episode of a Bluey series where then we look deeper through the charter and why it was made like that. From this activity it teaches me how big industries are and how big of an impact they do on films and the world. Hearing about this new project I am somewhat excited but then scared as it will take much longer than last projects, whereas we will need to make more things more interesting that can caught more people. 

Week 2

Today we started to research more about our groups chosen genre, where we decided to choose thriller. We had our first research session to know more about our genre and me and my group watched some trailer from the thriller genre. During this whole research I learn about thriller genre conventions in which this gives me a rough idea on what I would want to put later on in the project. Me and my group also had a short discussion and what movie we wanted to be as a source of idea for our project.

Week 3

Week 3 is mostly research, where we were researching about different kinds of movies right after we learn new theories such as vertical integration and horizontal integration. Those movies and companies that we research, are explained with the theory that we have just learned. Which in my opinion this helps a lot in understanding and remembering about the theory so that this would be easy to do later on during the real examination. Not only that we also did research about movies that have the genre that we wanted to do. 

Week 4

In week 4, we learn about synergy and did a group research in groups of 2 people. We were given the freedom to choose between two companies that we wanted to research about how it affects both of the company. Not only that we also made our statement of intent, with every other groups has had an idea on what they were going to do, my team still didn't know what to do until the end of class our teacher gave us a brief idea from our drafts idea which then this idea became our main idea for the movie opening. 

Week 5

During the first day of week 5 we had a group project day, where we were given time to make our storyboard where we watch a video that explains how to draw and make a more detailed storyboard. Not only that Me and my group started on making our script and screenplay, where we discuss about the characters name that we wanted to add with addition to a short discussion on where we were going to film most of our scenes in. As of right we are not quite sure yet on where to record it in, but we have a general idea on what will happen in our movie opening. 

Week 6

This whole week 6 is project week, where we were given a list of post that we need to have in our blog. I tick off the list one by one, and it shows how im sort of behind with the things that is needed. I am planning to finish everything off from the list by this weekend. Other than that I finish the screenplay and the storyboard is half way to finish. I plan on finding the actors for the main character and the other character by this week in order to record the screen test on Tuesday. This week has been fun as it allows us as a team to finish the things that we needed to do before our due date on the 13th of November. 

This was the paper that was given to me to check off and mark the list what we needed to be added in our blog, this help me to me to keep on track what has not been done. 
(At the end, all of these were marked off done)

Week 7

This whole week 7 was to finish off everything that was needed in the blog, which was the storyboard, 

Self Reflection: The plan for this project in my opinion helps me a lot to keep track on what we need to do, making sure that me and my group would not miss out on anything while not doing things last minute as it can affect our project. The weekly progress as well help me to recap about what I have done in the week where if i re-read my weekly progress it helps me remember about what we were doing and learning. The paper checker list really help a lot, as it keeps me in track on what has to be finish and what is needed in the blog. When I was given this paper, I realise that i missed out some post that I have not added in, so this also shows how effective this paper to mark our completion of the project. 

The project resumed after the holiday, which we continued to week 1 of the new term. 

WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContent
8 January
Editing Mini ProjectA short recreation of a scene from your genreW10
Behind the scenesImages of your filming shootW10
Filming Schedule
15 January
File OrganisationMy system of storing video files
22 January
Editing ProcessA description (including screen shots) of how you edited your postW12
29 January
Audience FeedbackA review from your target audienceW12
5 February
12 February
Self Reflection
Self Reflection: CCR1W16
Self Reflection: CCR2W16
19 February
Self Reflection
Self Reflection: CCR3W16
Self Reflection CCR4W16
26 February
Self Reflection
4 March
11 March
Final Film OpeningW17
Final CCR

Week 1

In week 1, as we just came back we were all given a mini-project to do which is to recreate a scene based on our genre for the movie opening. My team and I were missing one person, to which it was a bit hard but we manage to do it. Other than that we learned about Technological convergence and New Media, as a class we had a lot of discussion about this topic. 

Week 2

In week 2, we learned about more audience theories and learned about continuity editing. We also did an activity where we did continuity editing where my teacher gave several shots that will be use as our practice in editing. While we did this, I learned more and improve in my editing skills as we were all told about tips on how to edit better by our teacher which it is very useful for the big project. This editing activity was fun as well. 

Week 3

In week 3, we learned about representation theory and about gender representation theory. For gender representation theory we learned 3 different theories which are from Butler, vanzoonen and mulvey. For representation theory we learn about social learning, cultivation theory, reception theory and desensitisation theory. The last lesson of the week we did our Dominant reading list where it helps us to target the audience that we want to. We also finished our recording this week and started editing. We encounter many problems to which we are thinking of retaking the scene in order to make the scene to be continuity. We also started on our production about organizing our footage and also our behind the scene vlog by adding the picture from the location of our shooting. 

Week 4

In week 4, we only had one class as the other 2 classes were during the chinese new year holiday. During this class we had an activity to figure out our movie opening name. From our original title being stepback, we change and made 3 different drafts of the title that we wanted to use. This week as well I was able to continue editing and made progress in the movie opening. I was given comments and feedback about the editing which I will use the feedback for the movie opening. For next time, we plan on re-shooting some parts that we think needed some change and shooting more scene in order to make the movie opening to be more realistic to the point audience will enjoy and it looks good. 

Week 5

In week 5, we continued editing the movie opening where there were many problems but I manage to solve them with the help of my teacher giving advices on what to do. We also started on our audience feedback where we made a google form to get all of our audience answer from the survey easier and detailed. 

Week 6

In week 6, the school closed due to the weather condition but we had online class where we started on our CCR 1 and 2. During that as well we finalize our audience feedback blogpost and implement those ideas and comments that were given by the audience to us and made changes to our product. We also re-shoot a couple of our scenes, now we only need to combine all the footage and finish off editing the movie opening.

Week 7

In week 7, i skipped 2 lessons as I didn't come to school. This week as well we started on our CCR 3 and CCR4 by making the resume and poster template in order to make it easier to input all the information needed to be added in there to be much simpler and faster.

Week 8

In week 8, the whole week all we did was our mock test and exam review. But on the last day of our lesson our teacher went away so my team and I get to finish off the blogs we had to finish off such as the production behind the scenes, post production editing including with editing it self where we had a problem which we will ask our teacher for advice later when he's back. We also finish the audience feedback.

Week 9

In week 9, we use the whole week to finish off our editing. From our edit being over 2 minutes long to it being under 2 minutes as I asked my teacher for his opinion on what we can cut and what to add in order to make it smooth. 

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Screen Test: Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our film opening to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedba...